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Ibadan Explosion: No Cause For Alarm, Situation Under Control – Gov. Makinde

The Oyo State government says it has taken full control of the situation which sparked tension in the state capital on Tuesday evening.

Reports confirmed that some lives were lost while properties were destroyed in the wave of explosion which rocked the ancient city,

Hospitals are said to be filled with patients while some residents are currently trapped in the rubble of buildings which caved in.

Reacting in a statement, Prince Dotun Oyelade, Commissioner for Information and Orientation, said the situation was under control.

“Residents of Ibadan and immediate environ experienced an uncommon explosion about 8pm this evening.”

“There are various interpretations of the incident but it is important for us to state categorically that the state government has taken over and in the full control of the unfortunate occurrence in in order to mitigate the incident.

“All security service chiefs including para military chiefs and Fire Operatives have been deployed by the governor to reign in the spillover from the explosion.

“His Excellency Governor Seyi Makinde therefore implores citizens to calm down and be rest assured that their interests are being looked after.”


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