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Trump Blasts ‘Fake News Media’, Tweets G7 Photos Showing He Gets Along With World Leaders

US President Donald Trump is “anti-fake news”, we all know that. For him most of the media organisations produce fake news barring a few so he uses his Twitter account to present his side of truth.

Trump recently tweeted pictures of last week’s G7 summit to dispel a notion that he does not get along with world leaders.

The US President blamed the “Fake News media” of showing “bad photos” and iterating that he does not gel with the world leaders.

In a series of tweets yesterday, he alleged that the mainstream American media was reporting negatively about his relationship with leaders of the G7 countries, consisting of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.

“I have a great relationship with Angela Merkel of Germany, but the Fake News Media only shows the bad photos (implying anger) of negotiating an agreement – where I am asking for things that no other American President would ask for!” Trump said in a tweet in which he attached four pictures of him with G7 leaders.

In another set of four pictures tweeted by Trump, he is seen posing with French President Emanuel Macron, Canadian Prime Minister Justine Trudeau and British Prime Minister Theresa May. “The Fake News Media said that I did not get along with other Leaders at the #G7Summit in Canada. They are once again, WRONG!” the president said.

It was predicted that it would be difficult for the leaders of the Group of Seven (G7) member states to reach any kind of consensus because of various disagreements. But the leaders eventually settled on some broad range of issues amid tensions.

For many, the proof of that tension was visible through this one particular picture which is said to have summarised the G7 summit.

The picture shared by German Chancellor Angela Merkel on her Instagram account featuring G7 leaders has been deemed ‘iconic’.

Merkel, in the picture, can be seen staring down at US President Donald Trump while standing behind a table with both hands pressed firmly into its surface atop some documents.

Via India Today


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