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US Election 2016: Trump and Sanders Win Big in New Hampshire

Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders have shaken up the US presidential race with decisive victories in the New Hampshire primary.

Billionaire Mr Trump is likely to get more than twice the number of votes of the next Republican candidate.

Senator Bernie Sanders, who beat Democratic rival Hillary Clinton by a huge margin, said his victory showed people wanted “real change”.

Both candidates are riding on a wave of discontent with mainstream politics.

The aim of the primary race is to choose which candidates will represent the Republican and Democratic parties in November’s presidential election.

On Tuesday Ohio Governor John Kasich came second in the Republican vote, with former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Texas Senator Ted Cruz and Florida Senator Marco Rubio all vying for third place.

New Hampshire is the second state to choose delegates in the long nomination battle following last week’s Iowa caucuses, which were won by Mr Cruz for the Republicans and Mrs Clinton for the Democrats.

The result gives momentum to the winners ahead of the next contests in South Carolina and Nevada.

Mr Trump’s lead in New Hampshire is the first time the New York businessman – who has never held political office – has translated his widespread support in opinion polls into an election victory.

In his victory speech, the real estate mogul congratulated Democratic winner Mr Sanders but sideswiped that “he wants to give away our country, folks!”

Mr Trump, 69, has pledged to deport millions of migrants who are living in the US illegally; build a wall along the border with Mexico; and impose a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the country.





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